Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Stacked negative Multiple Exposure pictures

For this project, we were to take two negative strips and stack them on top of each other to make a multiple exposure picture.
On the left is one of my self-portraits, with me holding my digital camera in front of my face, with sticking my tongue out.
On the left, which I think is really cool, is an upside down tree.
I didn't intend for the tree to be upside down when I stacked the negatives, but when I saw how cool it looked, I went ahead and printed the picture.
I think the tree is nice and clear, and the way it looks, it almost looks like something other worldly.
For some reason, there's a lot of smears, or something in the lower half of the picture, but again, I left that alone because it also looks otherworldly.
This is one of my favorite pictures I printed, and am really glad at how it turned out.

For this one. I used my sister's head instead of myself to stack with a tree.
I think it looks kind of cool, the way her expression is one of either a 'oh really now?' sarcastic sort of, or a 'I hate this tree.' expression.
I think this looks a little more crisp than the one above, but the tone is completely different, just based off the fact that in the first one, I'm lighter and more whisp-y (due to the clouds) than my sister is.

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